Saturday 16: A Memorable Day for Parfumerra, Placed Under the Sign of Inspiration and Promising Projects

Introduction :

Saturday 16 will remain engraved in the annals of Parfumerra as an extraordinary day, full of exceptional opportunities. It was a day where our commitment to sustainable beauty was highlighted, and where we had the honor of meeting inspiring people who pave the way to an even more promising future.

The Forum of Associations of the 15th:

It all started when I had the unique opportunity to be invited by Ms. CORREA, the president of Dekkal Thiossane, to participate in the prestigious Forum des Associations of the 15th arrondissement of Paris. This special invitation was made possible thanks to Mr. Gomis William, my English teacher, who warmly presented our project.

Pitching Perfumerra:

At the heart of this unforgettable event, I took the opportunity to present Parfumerra and our flagship initiative: “one product purchased = one tree planted”. Public feedback has been extremely positive, a sign of palpable enthusiasm for our mission. Among our fervent supporters, Ms. Moghir Naïma, from the international association Ambassador, particularly stood out and we exchanged contact details to discuss future projects.

The Interview that Stands Out:

One of the unforgettable moments of this exceptional day was my interview with Jean Celestin Edjangué. Our discussion covered a wide range of topics, including Parfumerra, our vision, and our ambitions for the future. Mr. Tiambel Guimbayara, also present, expressed keen interest in our project and generously shared his contact details with me.

Special Thanks:

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Ms. CORREA and Mr. Gomis for making this day possible. To all those who crossed our path on this memorable day: thank you for your encouragement and valuable support. At just 23 years old, I feel like we are just beginning our journey to an even brighter Parfumerra.

Conclusion :

Saturday the 16th will forever remain a significant chapter in our history, a day of meetings, sharing and consolidation of our commitment to sustainable beauty. At Parfumerra, we firmly believe in a future where every purchase contributes to the preservation of our planet, and we look forward to making these dreams come true with the help of our community and our valued partners.

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